Lemon Vitality 5ml
Lemon Vitality 5ml
Lemon (Citrus limon) Vitality essential oil can add a bright and dynamic flavor to many dishes. Its versatility in sweet and savory recipes is what makes this fruit a popular item in kitchens around the world. Use Lemon Vitality to add flavor to savory foods like fish and chicken or sweet foods like pastries and cakes. Lemon Vitality has a bright taste you’ll want to keep on hand for almost anything you whip up. Instead of zesting or juicing, use Lemon Vitality for a convenient way to add a punch of flavor. Lemon Vitality also has many health benefits when taken internally, including immune support and antioxidant properties.*
Provides an invigorating citrus flavor
Has antioxidant properties*
Supports the immune system*
Provides circulatory support*
Contains cleansing properties*
From the bottle: Clean, refreshing, citrus aroma
Add Lemon Vitality to a tall glass of cold water for a fresh, antioxidant-infused drink to start your day.*
Add 1–2 drops to a vegetarian gel capsule and take it daily to support a healthy immune and circulatory system.*
Blend a drop in Gary’s True Grit™ Einkorn Pancake and Waffle Mix batter. Top your breakfast with fresh fruit for a healthful breakfast that tastes like lemon-poppy seed cake.
Use Lemon Vitality to create custom vinaigrettes or marinades to add a bright taste to salads or grilled meat and vegetables.
Add it to tea, baked goods, homemade preserves, and other treats.